
时间:2023-06-12 16:29:53




  I once fantasized about standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris looking at the stars all over the sky, fantasy have a cool in the blue blue river, fantasized about standing in the grasslands of a clear fresh air, ride a horse show small animal model, but this time is to belong to my first trip.

  That day I with full of good mood on the trip, in my imagination, it would be very interesting, but the fact is not the case, under the plane ride, would not have been comfortable I caught up to god "water", outside the glass was thunder and lightning, the dark clouds came, the whole world was dark and all of a sudden, the morning get up, a flash like lightning measures, like the sky in half, followed by the frequent noise, suddenly seem to shake the earth, "sound", the sky to rain cats and dogs, that will be swallowed up the whole earth, the rain seemed to flute ring from the earth, leaf pieces down, and I will be in extreme fear uncomfortable I slept in the past, the day has already break up, and the terminal is arrived, I can't stand it anymore, the food as if the small friction, fought in my stomach, over and over, "o -- -" this bottom can be uncomfortable, one looked up to find is really a big reversal, accept the moisture of the grass is singing, the dew on the flower petals glittering, crystal clear, beautiful! Dazzling sunshine point-blank on the dew, reflecting the colourful, was taken on a new look, I ran in the "wonderland", enjoying the earth mother selfless giving my love!

  This trip as before but not the same, just the physical travel before, but this is really heart to touch the nature, to touch the belongs to my first flight.





