
时间:2024-02-07 20:17:41




Summer vacation just ended, and in the days of school, recall those things in the summer, which is really impressive! Especially the one.

That day, my mom mom orders, shop for salt, humming a ditty I bouncing around on the side of the road. Suddenly, I saw a weather-beaten old man on the side of the road struggling to walk on crutches, counteract a see him walk, eyes also not too well, I'm afraid. Right in front of the old man, a stone, see into it soon, but I didn't want to go to help grandpa. When the old man to be tripped when, there is a 10 years old children came near, and took a pair of old man: "grandpa, be careful, there is stone in front." Grandpa said: "thank you." "Sir, I'll take you home." "I still go home." "It's okay, let's go." I bowed his head in shame at that time, I am not as good as a friend! I want to see what will happen behind, then quietly with follow up. Along the way, the old man and children chat very happy. Old man returned home, took some sweets to the children to eat, children also said later will be how to see grandpa. At this moment, I finally understand the meaning of helpfulness.

After this matter, is I was reminded of our uncle lei feng, lei feng's uncle do not hold his life, seeking nothing in return, this spirit is worth us studying?

This is the most unforgettable thing in my summer vacation!


  暑假刚刚结束,又到了开学的日子,回忆起暑假里的那些事,真是令人难忘哪!特别是那一次。 那天,我奉妈妈的命令,上街买点盐,我哼着小曲在路边蹦来蹦去。忽然,我看见一个饱经风霜的老爷爷在路边拄着拐杖步履维艰地走着,看他走路一摇一晃的,恐怕眼神也不太好吧。就在老爷爷前面,有一块石头,眼看马上就要撞上去了,可我并没有想到要过去扶老爷爷。就当老爷爷要被绊倒的时候,有个十岁左右的小朋友上前扶了一把老爷爷:“老爷爷,小心,前面有块石头。”老爷爷说:“谢谢你呀。”“老爷爷,我送您回家吧。”“我还是自己回家去吧。”“没事,走吧。”我当时就惭愧地低下了头,我不如一个小朋友呀!我想看看后面会怎么样,便悄悄地跟跟了上去。一路上,老爷爷和小朋友聊得十分开心。老爷爷回家后,拿了一些糖果给小朋友吃,小朋友还说以后会多来看老爷爷呢。此时此刻,我终于明白了乐于助人的含义了。 经过这件事,是我想起了我们的雷锋叔叔,雷锋叔叔一生做好事不留名,不图回报,这种精神难道不值得我们学习吗? 这就是我暑假里最难忘的一件事了!


This is my first time to join the summer camp in Zhejiang University. In the morning, we took part in opening ceremony. There were more than four hundred students in this sumer camp. I felt very happy because I know I can make more friends in this beautiful city. It took us nearly one hour to listen teachers' talk. Then we had to begin our first exam.it was not very hard. On, I forgot to talk about our headteacher. He was a student, too.but he becameour teacher for twenty days. I though he was a good teacher, too. He was very handsome. I was very happy t met him. He came from Australia. It was a very beautiful country. In his class, not only we can learn many English knowledge, but also can develop our spoken English. We talked about many things. On, it was very nice.


An artist went to a beautiful part of the country and stayedwith a famer. Every day he went out drawing from morning to evening when the sun went down, he returned and a good dinner before he went to bed. When it was time for him to leave, he wanted to pay the famer. But the famer said, no, I don't want any money, but give me one of your pictures, what is money. In a week the money will all be spent, but the picture will still be here. The artist was very pleased and thanked the famer for saying such kind things about his pictures.

