
时间:2023-09-07 20:17:48




  Spring is the season of recovery in all things; Spring is a colourful season; Spring is the season of hope!

  Everything is woke up after a spring rain. Land, the pieces of pale green, yellow, grass woke up, and to dress up the beauty of the earth. On the tip of the trees, bud leaf pulled out gradually, the bodies of compact yellow spots appeared on the treetops, light yellow gradient to the fresh grass green again. In the spring, all color is full of vitality and vigor, and like to beat again. The most striking in our neighborhood is a small cherry trees. The branches of the cherry trees is very thin, delicate and charming, quietly elegant is yellow. The branches like the radiant sunshine in the child draws the scattered in all directions. From the branches of the root to the branches, the branches of the cherry trees in full of the cherry blossoms. Look far, the whole branches like a pink whip, whips on we can vaguely see a little blond. In addition to a branches close to the ground, the tree was full of pink cherry blossoms. The pink color, not strong not weak, also somewhat temperamental. In green leaves, the color is particularly enchanting, exceptionally bright, let a person shine at the moment, such a beautiful cherry blossoms! Anyone who saw, can't help but wonder: the magic of nature, can create such a beauty! Like the cherry trees transplanted from the heavenly palace, is pure beautiful crystal: seed pearls like morning dew on petals sparkling; Powder doodle smiling face looked to the people, laugh so brilliant. Only a branch of a tree, cherry blossoms were dozens of them, and each a cherry blossoms, and each have a charming gesture: others in bud, like a shy little girl; Have only two or three disc floret, is really "pious covered face"; All more protruding big cherry blossoms, showing warm smiling face to people. Cherry blossom clusters, clusters, tilt Angle, thin, strong light, more colorful.

  Beside the beautiful cherry trees often have the bird flew over, sometimes the bird park



  一场春雨过后,万物都苏醒了。土地上,出现了一片片嫩绿、嫩黄,小草苏醒了,又来装扮美丽的大地。在树丛的尖端,芽叶渐渐地抽出来了,树梢上出现了几团紧凑的鹅黄,鹅黄又渐变到新鲜的草绿。在春天里,一切颜色都充满了生机、活力,好像要跳动起来似的。 我们小区里最引人注目的是一棵矮小的樱花树。樱花树的树枝很细,呈现出娇艳、淡雅的黄色。树枝像儿童画中四射的太阳光一样,向四面八方散射。从枝根到枝头,樱花树的树枝上开满了樱花。远看,整个枝条就像一条粉红的鞭子,鞭子上还隐隐约约可以看到一点点棕黄。除了靠近地面的一段枝干,树上开满了粉红的樱花。那粉红的颜色,不浓不淡,还略带几分娇气。在嫩绿的树叶衬托下,那颜色格外妩媚,格外鲜艳,让人眼前一亮:如此美丽的樱花!任何人见了,都会忍不住惊叹:神奇的大自然,竟能创造出这样的美!这棵樱花树像是从天宫里移植下来的`,纯粹是美的结晶:一颗颗珍珠似的晨露在花瓣上闪闪发光;一张张粉嘟嘟的笑脸向人们张望,笑得那么灿烂。仅仅一条树枝上,就有几十朵樱花,而每一朵樱花,又有着各自迷人的姿态:有含苞欲放的花骨朵儿,如同一个害羞的小姑娘;有只开了两三瓣的小花,真是“犹抱琵琶半遮面”啊;更有全部绽开的大樱花,对人们露出了热情的笑脸。樱花一丛丛,一簇簇,有大有小,有歪有斜,有浓有淡,更加显得多姿多彩。



